sifted through his fingers

I had one of those transcendent moments last night.  I was in choir practice at church, and we had finished.  One of my best friends at church is dealing with some serious struggles from a previous sin which resulted in a wonderful child.  She is now married and has another wonderful child and is experiencing great healing and restoration in her life.  However the resulting consequences from her “old life” have brought about confrontations with her oldest child’s biological father.  He is actually fighting for custody.  He really has no chance since he can offer no stability for their son, and really, the list goes on.

Anyway, last night she was having an end to an extremely taxing day, and was pretty emotional.   We as a choir family gathered around her to lay hands on her and pray.  What happened next was utterly holy.  One of the ladies that I believe will have a seat right next to Jesus when she gets to Heaven started praying.  She is so spirit filled that I absolutely LOVE being near her when she prays.  She made a statement in her prayer that touched me deeply.

“Nothing comes to us Father, that has not gently sifted through your fingers first.”

What a word picture. How can I look at my trials without pure joy (James 1) with that kind of image in my mind?  He cares so much that he allows things to shape us and build our character.   What kind of testimony would we have for his faithfulness without the pain that sifts through his fingers of love?  Would we even desire Heaven?

Praise God for His unending love, pure, holy, steadfast and real.  The best kind of love there is.

posted by d[angie]
