great expectations

Here we go again....God has blessed us with another little peanut growing inside of me.  I just blurted it out didn’t I?  We were going to wait a while to share this, but I thought I would spread the joy and ask for prayer now. 

As of Thursday this week I will be 8 weeks pregnant.  So early.....(sigh)  I wish there was a way to fast forward pregnancy and make this process go faster.  I wish there was a way to completely protect him/her as well, but alas it is ALL in God’s hands.  Conception, pregnancy, and delivery is such a miracle.  So many things have to go just right, that only by God’s almighty hand can this happen.  I am convinced of it.  This conviction comes after much pain.  Most of you know that we have plodded our way through 3 miscarriages, each time hoping, expecting, waiting....and then the tears come.  However, each time has brought us more assurance of God’s faithfulness, tenderness, and sovereignty.

So here we are with a 4th pregnancy, hoping, expecting and waiting to see what God’s will is.  Unfortunately I did experience some early spotting/bleeding and actually thought I miscarried, but found out that I hadn’t with a beautiful opportunity to see our little one’s beating heart about 3 or 4 days after it had begun to beat!  Due to this early ultrasound we see that the baby has implanted in a good spot, and seems to be normal for all intents and purposes at this present time.  My doctor assured me a lot of women bleed through their entire pregnancies, but he understands with my poor track record my dread and fear with each time it happens to me. 

If I may, I’d like to ask for a few things specifically for prayer....

1.  Continued healthy development for our precious little one with out any complications.  We will be trying a cerclage at week 13 if I make it that far.
2.  Positive Mental Attitude - I can be little Miss Cynical so easily these days.  Cynicism that comes from fear is not from God.
3.  That some how, some way we could bring a little one with the marks of Dan and I into this world in late September. (I am due on the 22nd.)

Thank you very much, you are all loved beyond measure!

posted by d[angie]
