when god weeps

Today was amazing!  God’s truth’s are so evident that sometimes they get clouded by our own understanding of them.  Let me explain.  I am reading a book by Joni Eareckson Tada & Steven Estes called When God Weeps:  Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty.  I am reading it in conjunction with counseling.  I am in search of finding meaning to my (and others) suffering.

Truth:  God is love. (1 John 4:8)

Truth:  In all things, God works for the good of those who love Him.  (Romans 8:28)

Truth:  Nothing happens that hasn’t been approved by God. (Lamentations 3:37)

Suffering is on purpose.  It is not, I repeat, is not “just because we live in a fallen world.”  I don’t know how many times I have said that.  We do live in a fallen world, and things happen that wouldn’t have if we were still in Eden, but it’s like I’ve said that very phrase to give God an “out.”  As if He needs one.  Surely, God wouldn’t have CHOSEN to allow THAT to happen on purpose?  Would He?

Everything that happens to us, good or bad has been ok’d by God.  Our lives are so intricately woven with the “big picture” that we have no clue that what happens today could effect someone’s salvation 10 years from now.

God’s plan is perfect.  Nothing that He allows is meant to harm us (spiritually speaking).  “He chooses to use or allow things that He hates, to achieve what He loves.” (Joni E. pg.84)  Enter suffering.

However, He does not do this from somewhere far away or lofty.  No.  His hands are dirty from being right there in the middle of all that we are, and what He wants us to become.  All the while weeping with us, because of us, and for us.  His eyes contain nothing but love.

My counselor shared a story with me today:

My 2nd oldest son (now 16) was jumping on the bed at age 18-24 months.  He dove head first into the headboard splitting his lip open on a shelf.  We rushed him to the hospital where doctors had to literally tie him up in a papoose to allow them to stitch his lip up.  I watched knowing all the while, this was for his good.  Letting the doctors hurt my son on purpose to help them fix him up.  My son looked at me with “why are you letting this happen to me eyes.”  He never would have understood at that age, any explanation, had I even tried to give him one.  I could only stare right back into his eyes with as much love as I could muster.

What a parallel.  God couldn’t even begin to tell us all the reasons for our suffering.  Our intellectual level wouldn’t even get it.  Just to know His heart, His character...should be enough to trust Him.  To look back into His eyes knowing that His heart is breaking too.  Only, He loves me (and anyone else this event matters to somewhere in the future) more than His desire to end the pain.

Praise God. 

Please know this posting is meant to be an encouragement.  This is coming from someone who is 7 months separated from her 4th miscarriage.  There is a rawness left when you are in close proximity to suffering.  Believe me there were days that all I could see was the pain five inches from my face.  Nothing else.  Since then, God has been healing my broken heart one day at a time.  This is just one of those good days.

posted by d[angie]
