adoption update: "PAC" man

For Christmas, Angie bought me one of those cheap throwback video games that you plug into your tv and have INSTANT Atari!  I LOVE playing Pacman.

That really has nothing to do with this post.

We got invited to our PAC (pre-adoptive classes)!!  This is a huge step in our adoption journey and we’re very excited for this two-day class on Thursday, March 20 and Friday, March 21.  After the PAC, we will begin our home study ... another big step!

In other news, our fundraising team has selected Friday, April 11 as the date for our benefit at Majestic Oaks Golf Course.  We’d love to invite ANY and ALL of you who can came to this special event.  It will be a dessert reception, silent auction and concert featuring some of our original music.

There’s a secret about our concert ... I’ll keep you in the dark for a while, but we’re working on something we think will make the night extra special!
