adoption update: face to face

Hey friends and family, Dan tells me he promised you an update from me this time!  So here I am letting you know that we had our first face to face interview with our social worker.  What a good experience.  Hard, but good.  There were moments both of us got a little emotional, and not even on a subject we would have thought would have drawn it out of us.  But alas we are human!  We met for 3 hours discussing a lot of our upbringing, and just how we would describe ourselves in general.  We made it though just fine.  We have another meeting scheduled on June 9, and then our in home meeting will be Friday the 13th.  Our social worker promised that didn’t mean anything ominous would happen!  She is really a nice woman.

So again we are progressing in this process.  We covet all of your prayer.  We love you all very much...keep you posted!
