making a dream come true

I couldn’t even begin to tell you how blessed we are by the amazing people that we are fortunate enough to know at Constance Free Church.  One of our tech team members has a really great little studio in his home and back in April, he extended an incredibly generous offer to Angie and I which would allow us to record some of our original music there.  
Over the past few weeks, we’ve been working with Mike and Joel (our good friend, a great musician, and my Associate at church) to track some scaled back, acoustic versions of songs that we’ve written over the years.  We’ve had a blast and are really looking forward to completing the project.  
For those of you who know us well, you know that this is a dream come true for Angie and me.  We’ve always dreamt of the day when we could do some recording and it’s great to see how God works out all of the details of making our hopes become reality.
When it’s finished, we’ll let you know how you can get a copy if you’re interested.
posted by [dan]gie
