dan's big day

My husband had a big day today.  A dream come true!  He got his first CD back from the company that mass produced it.  
What’s Right With Our World - Constance Free Church is now available!!
Our church is fantastic.  Dan was encouraged to record several of his original Christmas music (some co-written by Joel Bowers).  This CD is going to be used as an invite to our services in December.  Instead of pulling off one big Christmas shindig at our church we decided to have original music, drama, and video as part of our worship services each weekend in December.  Our church family is encouraged to hand these out to friends and family, and then download the songs for themselves from our church’s website.  
This is so exciting. You should have seen Dan when he came home today with a small box of these in hand.  He gave me that, “oh my gosh, I can’t believe one of my dreams came true” look when he came in the door.  I am so proud of him.  This is definitely a huge accomplishment for our musicians at church, for Joel and for Dan.  Woo hoo!!!!
posted by d[angie]
