
I’ve had a blog post rolling around in my head for a couple of days.  I’m going to try and get it out now.  
There are times in life when you have “unexpectations.”  Bear with me now...I know it’s not really a word...at least in the way I’ve used it here.  It’s just a thought I’ve been mulling over.  
There are so many times in life that we minimize either what we can do as individuals or maybe better said, what God can do in and through us.  I’m not even sure that we always realize what we are doing.  If you have self esteem issues, or happen to be more of the pessimistic persuasion, this comes naturally.  But as of late I’ve seen people who are naturally positive and confident taking a more cynical view of the world.
Granted, the economic climate has fostered a lot of this attitude to be sure, but we as Christians can only use that excuse for a while.  
I keep feeling this overwhelming urge to be optimistic.
It’s gotta be from the Lord right?  He is able to do abundantly more than we can ask or imagine right?  That’s what His Word says.  I believe it still.  
He can make the sick well.
He can bring the unemployed person to work.
He can give the barren a child.
He can provide for the needy.
He can mend a broken heart.
He was able to raise His son from the dead.  That power is available to all of us at any time.  He has not withheld any of Himself from us.  We are so fortunate.  I’m going to fight against the flow of current culture, and try to nurture this kind of thinking.  In myself, and in others.  God’s in charge, He never left the throne....what HE wills, WILL come to be.  
Let’s expect great things!!!
posted by d[angie]
