joyful noise family fun fest

Today was a great day!  
It was the day part of our worship team from Constance got to play together at the Joyful Noise Family Fun Fest in Blaine.  Just 3 miles from our house!  Such a great location too, it was held at the National Sports Center, where there is a large outdoor Soccer stadium.  We got to absorb a lot of fantastic music from some great bands too, Tenth Avenue North, Lincoln Brewster, Mercy Me, and some other lesser known bands.
It was such a blessing to have been able to sing/play with some amazingly talented and humble people from our church.  God is so good!!! Seriously, it will have to go down as one of those life events that was very memorable for Dan and I.
Time for bed...I am fighting off a bit of a “out door too long in the sun” headache.  So worth it though.
posted by d[angie]
