on nature

The sun is providing as it always does, heat...light...guidance.
The water is there underneath me, supporting my sturdy craft.
I can hear the soft swish it makes as I glide, the rhythmic plunk of my paddle as it goes in, comes up, and goes in again.
I am centered in my world.  My breath is even, it’s comforting.
I look up as an eagle suddenly comes into sight, soaring like a giant in the sky.  The white of his head so vibrant as it dips down searching for prey below.  He tips his wings as if to beckon me to follow him.  If only I could.
Back to the water again my thoughts go as I notice the lacy, thread-like algae below the surface.  Suspended in space like an army of green warriors trying to overtake it’s watery captor.  
It almost seems like time is slowing as my skiff maneuvers the glassy road before me.  Like a Queen of Narnia, I survey the grandeur that lays before me...this kingdom teeming with life.  
Love is all that comes to mind. 
Love that creates, Love that sustains, and Love that beats in my heart for all of it.
