what's been occupying us these days

We have been bitten by the bug called kayaking!  Dan’s Dad gave/borrowed us his Mokai.  What is a Mokai you say?  Well it’s a motorized kayak.  We believe it was originally designed for those who may have a disability preventing them from manually paddling a kayak, thus the addition of a small 3 hp motor.  We are not disabled, but wow is it fun to get in this boat and go putzing around the lakes of Minnesota!  Every free minute Dan has had lately has been in this boat.  He chivalrously decided that he should not be loving something this much that his wife cannot do with him, so we bought a very inexpensive entry level kayak for me too!  
It’s been a real joy to be out on the lakes together in these kayaks.  We’ve gotten closer to nature, and closer to each other.  It’s truly a wonderful thing.  Thought you’d enjoy seeing a pic of them!
Happy summer!
posted by d[angie]
