
It’s a night like any other winter night, it’s cold and still.
The trees are like dark soldiers guarding the earth in silence.
The water is like a blanket made of glass, there’s not even a breeze to make a ripple.
All living things are dormant, an evening reverie.
Still there’s something strange, something different about this night.
It’s as if there is expectancy in the air.  
Something you can’t touch but you can feel.
It’s like a thought before it’s spoken, or a song before it’s sung.
The delay of what’s to come is hard to understand. 
It seems there is a time determined, a fullness needed.
What that is, is not prosaic, it’s inspired.
There’s something, no, someone at work this night.
Truth is waiting to be revealed.  The Word is longing to be heard.
There is a kindness in the shadows of this day. The depth of it is indescribable.
It’s as if there is a plan that is beginning to unfold.  
A plan of grace, of victory, and of pain.
Suddenly, there is a reverberation like none other ever heard.
It’s like rushing waters, a waterfall spilling over a cliff to crash on rocks below.
What’s that light? It’s like a blazing fire, the sun’s brilliance experienced first-hand.
The source of this can’t be explained easily.
All of this glory is in the form of an infant.  A small defenseless babe, a child.
A man who will personify so much, only here to die.
Salvation born on a cold winter night.  A quiet entrance is made for me, and for you.
A humble birth, a telling life, is here exactly at the precise time it’s needed. 
A sacrificial gift just waiting to be opened.
