who knew about huldah?

2 Kings 22
Huldah was a prophetess whose name means “weasel.”  Interesting idea to ponder if you let your thoughts turn to how she might have looked.  Huldah was called upon by King Josiah to prophecy when The Book of the Law was recovered in the temple by the high priest of the Israelites at the time. When she was given the Book of the Law to read, she must have relished the opportunity.  To hold the scrolls that contained the written word that she had in her heart.   -   King Josiah had done well in the eyes of the Lord contrary to the evil procession of kings before him.  He read about some pretty devastating things God had planned, but through Huldah he learned that God would spare him.  King Josiah became distraught, tore his robes even, and began a spiritual reform that was MORE than needed in the lives of God’s chosen people.
I was really amazed by her story.  What a small little portion of the bible with really big ramifications.  God again used the lives of individuals to turn about centuries of sin.  
What is it about God and his chosen people?  He always leaves a way out.  A loophole of sorts.  A path to restoration with Him.  It’s AMAZING.  Why?  He is love.  Yes he’s just, but at his very core he is love.  He is the way love is defined.  I thought to myself as I was studying Huldah...did God create this strange relationship with the Jews so long ago just to prove to EVERYONE who ever lived or will live that he has a stubborn love-hold on his creation?  Did he continuously forgive and restore the faithless people of Judah only to show that he will do the same for us?  Over and over again?
God is just as eager to forgive as he is to hold us accountable.  If not more.  In fact he is waiting for us to come to him with contrite hearts.
