blogging absence: iweb on fritz

It’s kind of funny to say something was “on the fritz.”  It’s a weird little saying, but it’s exactly what was going on with my mechanism for blogging.  I use the Apple software “iWeb” to bring my thoughts to the world.  I’ve been gone for a while due to the fact that my blog would not publish itself on the dubya, dubya, dubya.  (www, for those that might not get my sense of humor today)
Anyway, all that to say I’ve missed you, and I’m glad to be back.  I did not win the drawing, yet again, and I’m sad.  Oh well, some other fortunate soul did, and they are the richer for it.  
Not much to report right now, still waiting on the adoption front.  We are gathering things together for an upcoming garage sale.  I always enjoy putting garage sales together.  This one will be for raising additional funds for our travel expenses to Ethiopia.  When the time comes to do that.  We do know that we now must travel twice to complete our adoption.  There are many reasons for this change, but it’s mainly because Ethiopia changed it’s policy, which is often the case after an adoption explosion in a third world country.  After a few years of adoptions under their belt, the policies strengthen, and tighten up naturally.  This is not all bad, just a shocker to us as we were only planning on one trip.  God knows what He is doing, and we will continue to trust Him.
Oh, I almost forgot, I am going to attend an adoption conference on Thursday and Friday this week.  I am majorly pumped!  I am using the time as refreshment, spiritual encouragement, and as a boost to my adoption endurance!  Too bad Dan can’t come along as work prevents him from doing so, but it’s ok, I will bring all the info home for him to experience as well.  Steven and Mary Beth Chapman will be present, and I heard that Desperation Band is playing as well.  I hope that is the case.  It’s sure to be an amazing time.  It’s even being held here in Minneapolis, an added bonus.  If you want to see more about the organization check out this link...Christian Alliance for Orphans.
Hope the blogging world has treated you all well the past couple of weeks!  
