introducing Tate Temesgen Leverence

My son.  I am introducing my son.  He is legally our child after passing court in Ethiopia TODAY!  February 21, 2011 I officially became a mother.  This is a big day.  I have been finding myself taking huge breaths.  I think subconsciously I've been holding my breath since leaving him this past December. 

The big question is NOW WHAT?  We begin another wait as we are processed through the US Embassy.  The next steps involve receiving a birth certificate with our names on it as his parents, and getting an appointment to obtain his Visa, passport, and other documents that allow us to legally bring him home.  This is an estimated wait of 8-12 weeks.  It's ok people....don't start throwing things around.  We can get through it.  We've come this far.

GOD IS AN AMAZING GOD.  I am humbled to be his "adopted" daughter, and cannot wait to tell my son all about who He is and what He can do in his life.  WOOOHOO!!!  Enjoy the pictures, finally! :)


  1. Angie, I'm crying tears of JOY for you! What an amazing day! Your family pictures are beautiful and so is YOUR son! Congratulations to you and Dan!

  2. My eyes are filled with so many tears of joy. So happy for you and Dan. You both will make amazing parents and words can't describe how excited we are for you. Like I have mentioned before, Tate is perfect and so adorable. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!

  3. So excited for all three of you! Will keep praying during this final waiting period before you are all together where you belong. <3 <3 <3
    Heidi F.

  4. Couldn't be happier for you!!!! Welcome to the village, Tate!! :D

  5. I have goosebumps!!! You are going to be such AMAZING parents!!!! I will be continuing to pray for you 3 as you continue your journey!

  6. He is absolutely beautiful! I am crying happy tears for you guys! My heart is full of joy!!

  7. So incredibly happy for you! What a journey it has been! Tears and praise all around! I can't wait to meet Tate!

  8. A big WHOOO HOOO for this milestone!!!

    And, he is just about the cutest little thing I've ever seen!

  9. Awww...he is so cute!! So excited for you 2! <3 Congrats!

  10. what an adorable little guy! What a beautiful family! We are so excited for you!

  11. Oh my goodness. He is even cuter than I remembered...and I didn't think that was even remotely possible!! :-) Just think...he and Sinta are hanging out just waiting to change our lives forever!!! Love it!!!!

  12. Finally the face of your angel! I am soooooooo Happy for the three of you! I can hardly wait to hear the final news that he is sleeping tucked away in his bed in the Leverence home!


  13. your SON (ooooh! how fun to say that!!) is absolutely precious and I am SO unbelievably happy for you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. I can't stop smiling for you guys!!!!!! Awesome doesn't even cover it!!!

  15. Congratulations! He is an amazing little beautiful! I will be praying as you complete the last leg of this marathon! Oh..and he is so worth it.

  16. YAY!!!! God is good! Congratulations Mommy and Daddy! I didn't see this until today. Love to you three from sunny AZ. Remember, if you need a quiet warm place to bring baby Tate, Stacie's Bed and Breakfast is family friendly. :)


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