it's time to share

I've alluded to this in previous blog posts, but I feel like the time has come to share more about it!  God has been up to something in the hearts and minds of my friends and I.  By friends I mean, Tiffany Bobendrier, Michelle Peterson, Patti Bertsch & Natalie Klauser.  We are women who care about orphans and foster children in our world.  

Almost 9 months ago we met in my home to brainstorm about what an orphan care ministry could look like, and we've gotten to the point of launching a ministry called village127.

Our mission is this:

village127 is a community of believers who have been touched by the biblical call to care for orphans in their distress. (James 1:27) Our heart is to work together to educate, engage, and encourage anyone who has an interest in orphan care, adoption, or foster-care. We believe the Church (locally and abroad) is called to be an integral part of the village that it takes to raise a child.

We will be offering several things to make a difference in the life of an orphan in this first year of ministry:

Q & A Panels & Special Events on the topics of adoption, foster-care and orphan care.

Book Studies meeting monthly in one of our homes sharing food and discussion about books related to our passionate cause.

Small groups will be forming in areas such as (but not limited to) Adoptive Parenting. We would love for these groups to be filled with individuals longing to share life together and pray with one another about what they can do as individuals and together to make a difference in the life of the orphan.

Prayer vigils will be happening as "awareness" months arise such as Foster Care awareness the month of May.  

Service projects once or twice yearly to support the ongoing needs of the orphan or foster child, locally and abroad.

Our ministry is officially launching during a Global Initiative called The Plight of the Orphan at our church the weekend of February 19 & 20.  We as a team couldn't be more excited.  As an individual, I'm scared speechless and thoroughly depending on God to do the work in this endeavor.

I have felt on more than one occasion that this ministry is a direct result of our wait time in our adoption process, and it's definitely one reason I have found it more tolerable.  I said tolerable, not enjoyable.  :)  Just kidding, the entire process of developing this ministry, launching it, and praying that God multiplies the people who will want to jump in with both feet, has been one of the most stretching and life changing rides of my life.  Whew....what a run-on.  Oh well the grammar police will just have to deal with my passion on the subject.

Please pray with me as I continuing walking on this road of obedience.  It's not easy, but so far the rewards have been felt deep down in my soul.  

Btw we have a ministry blog and a facebook page should you choose to "follow" us on this journey.  Join us as the Lord leads you!


  1. I am so proud of you guys...although it wasn't my calling, it was fun to say I 'witnessed' one of the first birthing meetings of your more ways than one; wasn't that also the day that the McDowell's had their baby girl? Anyway, the evolution of this ministry has been amazing and I am so happy to hear more about it!

  2. Count me IN! I LOVE it! Whatever I can do to help please don't hesitate to ask!


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