
Just a quick update...

We got a phone call from our social worker yesterday.  He received some information from our agency's representatives in Ethiopia, saying that our file would most likely be submitted to the US Embassy in Ethiopia on Tuesday.  If not THIS Tuesday, it would be NEXT Tuesday.  This means that they will review our file over the next two to three weeks deciding if they will do any further investigation into our son's case.  If they do, we have no idea how long that will take.  If they don't, we will get the call about our appointment with the embassy probably for two to three weeks after that.  So there IS potential we could travel by the end of April or beginning of May rather than mid-end of May that we were originally expecting.  I think saying we haven't gotten our hopes up just a bit would be a lie.  But, we are aware that our first prediction may play itself out.

Just thought I'd throw that update out there!  We're getting closer!  Here's a recent pic of the little peanut.


  1. Thanks for the update. We will pray all goes well and that April it will be. Super exciting news!!!

  2. so, so cute. If I think to hard about it right now I know I will cry. How exciting for you guys!

    Nicole Hummel

  3. Oh Angie, he is just about the CUTEST little thing I've ever seen.

    Here's hoping the time to go get him comes sooner rather than later.

  4. YEH! He's ADORABLE!

    Dawn N.


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