feeling better

I've not been feeling very well the past few days.  I'm talking emotionally here, not physically.  Although sometimes feeling down emotionally, makes you just kind of ache all over.  Here's why...

Dan got a call on Wednesday from our social worker....our beloved Ben whom we trust implicitly...with interesting news.

Dan was told that the document requested as part of the Embassy's investigation of our case apparently was NOT submitted at the end of last week as we were told it was.  It went through translation and then to Children's Home for more review.  Ben shared with us that the Embassy is cracking down so hard on the agencies that if there is even one thing wrong in a family's file it could be issued a "letter of intent to deny." Which means that a case (any, not just ours) could get transferred to a larger embassy in Nairobi, Kenya to be handled.  We DO NOT want that.  That could slow things down even more immensely from what we gather.

So back to us, our file is being "fine-tooth combed" some more before submission.  I think Children's Home staff in Ethiopia is doing the best they can and must be exhausted with all the changes in the embassy. I'm choosing hourly to trust my sovereign God with all of this.  Please keep praying as I know you are.  I am hanging by a thread some days, but still feel like this will happen....

Today is a new day.  Prince William and (now) Princess Kate's wedding lifted my spirits.  I found the festivities, pomp and splendor a wonderful distraction from my thoughts.  

I also received one of the most well-worded notes of encouragement from a fellow adoptive mom, here's an excerpt:

"Boy, satan really hates adoption, doesn't he? It seems he works extra hard to keep these adoptions at a snail's pace. But God is GREATER! And God loves adoption, it is His idea after all. I pray that God will continue to offer you comfort, peace and hope as you rest in Him. May He be with you in every moment of your weariness. Because let's face it, we NEED Him every moment on this journey! Oh the joy when we step off the plane in Mpls with our sons." 

God is good to offer respite during the storms of life.  He knows how much our humanity needs these times of renewal.  As always I am so thankful for His presence in my life.  


  1. We don't know why you have to wait so long, only that God has a reason for it. His plan is better than our own and much more wondeful than our own as well. I am praying for you both. That God will comfort you during this trial and that you will soon have your beautiful baby in your arms. God bless you both.

  2. PRAYING!!!!!!!!! Non-stop praying for you guys.

  3. I had never thought that, how Satan hates adoption...but yes, it seems we are always in the center of a spiritual battle, if we claim to belong to Christ. Be encouraged, friend.

  4. Amanda TransparentiMay 3, 2011 at 2:37 PM

    We barely know each other (if at all) but I want to encourage you that you and Dan have been in my prayers often. My heart aches for you and the desperation you must feel to hold the son that God has chosen in your arms. There are literally people praying around the country and beyond, for the quick completion of this beautiful adoption! God Bless you.


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