a proverb

Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. 
Proverbs 13:12

This verse was part of my Bible study last week.  It was used in reference to Abraham and Sarah's hope for a child that was a long deferred part of God's plan.  Very apropos to our station in life.  

Our adoption process is stalled yet again, but hopefully not for long.  

Our case entered the doors of the US Embassy in Ethiopia a couple of weeks ago.  They decided to investigate a few aspects of it, and currently we are awaiting a document from our son's birth town.  

I pray it will arrive very soon.  Literally we could get an email any day from them telling us that we are cleared for an appointment.  The next step would be to choose a date among suggested ones from the embassy and begin making travel plans.  Others in our initial travel group have gotten through, traveled, currently in process, or are waiting along with us for news.  Those that have gone to get their children have said the embassy process is smooth.

Lord, please allow that tree of life to bloom from that seed of hope you planted in us long ago....


  1. Praying with you that things will begin to move quickly and smoothly!

  2. Praying right along with you and for you. Can you believe what a journey this has been? My goodness...I never would have guessed it.

    Peace to you, my friend!

  3. You found the PERFECT piece of artwork to go with this post! I'm thinking you should print that out, print that proverb below it, and have it framed to hang in your home as a reminder of how the Lord brought you through this long wait - - - with hope.


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