a small smile

I am exceptionally emotional these days.  It doesn't take much to bring on the tears.  I am filled with quite a bit of anxiety over our adoption process.

I am fully aware of these truths:

God is in control.
You will get through this.
He (Tate) is being cared for by wonderful nannies.

Yet these are the thoughts that take over my mind:

This is not fair.
I can't believe our case has to go through another investigation by the embassy.
Tate should be home.
I am so incredibly weary.

Things that bring me joy:

Worship music @ cfc
A long phone call from an old friend
A play date with a sweet face who just came home from ethiopia
A fun conversation with a friend who is walking the same road as me

...and then there is something that brings on a small smile.  Small mind you, just a slight curve to the edge of my mouth.

Fletcher our new puppy...


  1. Don't beat yourself up too much, this has been a very long hard road and you haven't reached the end of it yet - - - you wouldn't have the big caring heart that you have if you could just sail along through this without a concern in the world.

    Fletcher is absolutely adorable and I'm glad it is YOU cleaning up his little puppy messes and not me.


    Hey - - - we're hitting 73 over here today, how about you???

  2. He's only "goofed" once so far and it was on a rug I could throw in the wash. He is pretty smart....but I see a little stubborn streak here and there. We had great weather here too!

  3. We all have a little stubborn streak here and there! LOL! Love you! You will continue to be in thoughts and prayers. Hugs to you!


  4. ANGIE! I just picked up a book at the library and CANNOT stop thinking of y'all and your journey as I read it -- it's called The Red Thread by Ann Hood. It's a novel about adoption...emotional read!

  5. I'll have to check it out. I have such a long list of books that I need to read and can't motivate myself. Most are not novels. That is the problem with me. I love novels.

  6. You got a new puppy! He's adorable!!! A perfect distraction for sure!! Enjoy!


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