grief, joy and a few other emotions

It's been a while. I gotta say it's been hard to get back into any kind of "groove" that allows me to post on the blog.  It's only week two after coming home, so I should give myself a break right?

Things are going well.  Our little guy is a trooper, and has handled the transition home very well all things considered.  Night times after bottle is done have been a bit hard.   Grief is a tricky thing, it shows up when we least expect it.  Children who are only 13 and 3/4s months old have a hard time processing it.  It comes up and hits hard.  He has lost so much.  He has gained so much, but that gain is very new and confusing right now.

There are moments of complete joy however.  When he crawls over to us just to get a hug, or to be tickled and giggle loudly.  These are the connections that speak volumes to us that we are on the right road.  It's a long journey together to become a family, but we can do it.

As far as those other emotions...Mama has those covered.  Fear, worry, anxiety, over-caution, selfishness, etc.  God is reminding me that His grace is sufficient for me every day.

I'll leave you with this...


  1. Love your honesty. Change (even a blessing like this) is hard on everyone and I'm sure the climactic nature of your journey has made the highs and lows even more emotional. That photo makes me smile! Angie, if you're reading this, give me a call when things settle down and you feel like coffee. Hugs and prayers to your new family! Kris

  2. Love you guys and praying for you as you all adjust. :-) Hope to meet Tate soon; heard he was in church yesterday. So fun to follow all the new escapades on FB and your blogs! <3 Heidi

  3. Having a new child in the house - - - even when you just gave birth to him/her - - - is ALWAYS an adjustment. I remember after Korie, our third, came home I thought I would NEVER AGAIN get in bed before 2 or 3 AM. Bringing home your son across the continent and multiple cultural barriers can't make that process any easier, I'm sure.

    But - - - it does get better. The adjustments happen. I promise.

    Now - - - here's the only advice I will give you, I found it to be the BEST advice anyone ever gave me about parenting:

    1) LOVE him.
    2) Keep him (relatively) clean.

    That's it - - - sometimes we make (and others make it) so hard we want to quit. BUT, these two things are the most important. Love him, and keep him (relatively) clean.

  4. Welcome to motherhood, honey! Ellie is 9, and I still all of those emotions almost everyday! I don't think they ever go away. Tate is blessed that God chose the two of you to be his Mommy & Daddy!! What a lucky little guy! I'm sure you are doing GREAT!! We love you so much and can't wait to meet him!

  5. Thanks for sharing Angie! I love seeing the smiling faces in all the pictures - joy and adjustment --- continuing to pray for you all - love ya!

    Dawn N.


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