
So many of my wonderful friends have posted blog posts recently that are so cute and creative that I had to get on the "stick" so to speak.

I must tell you more about my little boy wonder.  He is in a word, amazing.  Dan and I are so fortunate to have him in our lives.  The more time that goes by I wonder just how it was that God hand-picked this little guy so perfectly for our family.  But, then I remember He is God.  He works that way.  He answers prayers, He loves to bless His kids.  Well, we're blessed.

Things Tate can do these days:

- He knows where his eyes, nose, teeth, ears, fingers and feet are, and will gladly show you should you ask.

- He is starting to give MJ a run for his money.  This kid loves to dance.  EVERY TIME we put any kind of music on, this kid drops what he's doing, does a jive or two, then heads over to our ottoman and grabs it to brace himself and "goes to town."  (Swaying and stamping his right foot.)

- He can say, ma-ma, da-da, uh-oh, and down.  He hasn't quite cared to learn "up" yet, but "down" is a favorite.

- He loves our iPads.  We have toddler flashcards on them, and he often wants to sit on our laps and swish the pictures and listen to the lady who has impeccable diction say "watermelon."

- He loves his grandparents, when skyping or face-timing he constantly tries to look behind the screen to see where they really are.

- He loves water.  This is really the most colossal understatement.  If it's in the bathtub, the lake, the bucket on the porch, or even in his sippy, he is trying to get in and play!

- He sleeps like a dream, I couldn't be a happier mama, I just miss sleeping in myself!

- He started out to be the perfect eater, but now has shown a finickier side of himself.  No bananas, blueberries, or egg salad.

- When he meets new people, or just gets a little nervous about anything, he reaches up to pull at his curls next to one of his ears with his thumb and fore-finger.  This mama thinks it's extremely cute.  I'll be interested to see if it is always a nervous habit.

Last but not least, he is a looker!  His smile is completely captivating.  He snags men and women alike, everywhere we go.  I can't tell you how many ladies he has flirted with at Aldi.  My heart melts every time I go in to get him in the morning or after a nap.  I can't imagine letting him marry someone, but with his looks I think he's going to be "chased."

Well there you have.  Tate in a nutshell after 2 months and 10 days home.  We are all officially in love.


  1. Love it and love him.
    -Natalie Klauser

  2. AWESOME update!! So fun to hear how he's doing and all his progress! Thanks for posting!

  3. Hee is soooo"awwwww"!

    And so worrth the wait.

  4. So happy to read this update. He IS a looker! So sweet!!! I love that he's a dancer, too. There's nothing cuter than a little guy shakin' it! :-)

    Much love!

  5. He is absolutely gorgeous..and the love between the three of you just shines..i am so happy for you!


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