
I'm pretty sure I have a mild case of OCD.  I've never been observed or analyzed in therapy, but I'm pretty sure I have it.  Let's just say having a kid has put my tendencies to the test.  I know that there is some unwritten list of rules in our world you are supposed to follow, or if you don't you are subject to berating posts on blog/facebook/twitter or whatever social media you ascribe to.  Some of these rules are as follows:

You HAVE to let your kids get messy or they will never have a normal "fun" childhood.
You SHOULD choose breastfeeding over bottle feeding.
You've GOT to get your kids on a routine/schedule or you'll have a nightmare on your hands.
You OUGHT to feed your children as much healthy/organic/whole food that you can.
You SHOULD teach them to head down the stairs "feet first" instead of on their butt, to avoid toppling.

the list goes on....

I gotta say that a lot of these rules are good, and are from a lot of well-meaning parents who have journeyed the road ahead of us, and seem to love to pass along the information.  I'm sure I'll join the ranks before too long.

Anyway...back to the intent of my post.  OCD.  I must confess I am having an issue with toys.  I have no problem letting him play, make that mess mentioned earlier, so he can be on his way to the most normal and fun childhood possible, but I find this obsessive need to straighten things up afterward.  Puzzles need to be put back together, the train's 3 animals need to go in the same bin as the train, the peg rack needs all of the shapes put back on it. The ball-popping toy needs to have all the balls put back in.  You get my drift.

I KNOW I am on a very slow drive to insanity.

I know that it doesn't really matter where the toys end up as long as he has easy access to them for next time.

I know all these things, but I can't help myself from doing it!  HELP!!!

You know what's been the funniest thing, perhaps some cosmic gift from above to get me to CHILL OUT and relax over these ridiculous mannerisms?  I find one missing piece to a toy, and joyfully almost hilariously put it back where it belongs, and Tate loses another piece to another toy.

So I throw up my hands and face another day in the life of my toddler.  :)


  1. Angie, I'm the same way about toys. I've even crawled through the house with a flashlight looking for a missing piece. Toys aren't as fun if the pieces are missing and if you don't sort daily then it ends up being a bigger job later. As for the list of things you should do....pick whats important to you and throw the rest away. God made Tate for you and you're a great mama! -Jenny Kuphal

  2. Love your honesty Angie. Be the mom that Tate needs, not the one that all the other children need in this world. Just don't drive yourself and him crazy in the mean time. At least not to often:)
    Love you Denise

  3. I am the mom that spent 3 hours organizing my son's small Lego pieces by color. Of course, a couple of days later they were pretty much mixed up again... I still love to organize my kids' rooms and toys but now I only have the time to make that happen every so often...

    Glad to hear I'm not the only one who loves an organized house (even if I don't always get it anymore)...

    Kristie S.

  4. I have to say it has been a slow process for me too, and, in some ways, I may have given up completely. I still want things to be put away neatly where they belong so that they can be found and used again whenever necessary. If I say it once, I say it 10x a day, "If you put things where they belong, you can find them the next time you want/need them." :) OCD moms unite!

    Also, while some of those "rules" you listed are good, I find it is better to make our own rules that seem to work for our kiddos. Does it really matter if they go down the stairs on their little bums? ;)


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