
An excerpt from a study I'm doing right now was so fitting for the season I had to share it.  In fact it was so good, and I found it so encouraging that I wished I had written it!

"The Incarnation is a parable.  The eternal Word took on flesh so that He could be the Word, act the Word, among His people.  When I say the Incarnation is a parable, I don't mean that it is not historically and literally true.  I mean that our Great Rabbi, our Eternal Father, condescended to our finite world and fit His infinite story of love and redemption into a narrative so that we could grasp at least the edges of His ways. "Indeed these are the mere edges of His ways, And how small a whisper we hear of Him! But the thunder of His power who can understand?" (Job 26:14 NKJV)  

Every step that Jesus took on Planet Earth, the spiritual realm was shouting: "This is what God is like!" As He healed and taught and touched and laughed and loved, "This is what God is like!"  As He hung broken on the cross, "This is what God is like!" When He rose from the grave and triumphed over death, "This is what God is like!"  "The son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being." (Hebrews 1:3)

Wow.  After approximately 30 years of being a believer, I forget what God is like.  I often perceive Him as unknowable.  Only the judge.  He is not!  He is real, kind, touchable, quick-witted, merciful, miracle-working, and all of the other things that Jesus was and still is.  And these are only the EDGES of His ways.  What a good, good, God He is.

Be encouraged tonight. God knows you and loves you even if you choose not to experience it.  His Kingdom is infinite, it always was and always will be and everyone is welcome.


  1. Amen! It is so easy to forget Who God really is. Thanks for sharing Angie!


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