big boy

Dan and I were commenting just today that we feel like Tate grows in front of our very eyes at times.  I can't believe the changes in this little boy since coming home this past May.  It's been almost 9 months since he physically joined our family.  The time has flown by, although moments can drag when you are choosing battles with a strong-willed, almost 2 year old.

He amazes me daily.  Just tonight we tried sitting him on the bench with us at the Sam's Club snack bar.  He sat there and gobbled up his pizza dinner with gusto.  He kept smiling up at us, and putting his hands in his lap.  You're thinking, "what a polite little guy!"  It's probably from our latest discipline remedy for hitting.  He is constantly being told to put his hands down, and when in his time "in" chair he has to put his hands in his lap and calm down.  Love that it's starting to translate into his normal behavior!

He is repeating a lot of our words, can name just about all of his ahem...visual body parts, can quack, roar, tweet, and baa with the best of them.  He asks to be picked up with a "please." EVERY time.  I'm so proud of him.  He has gone through what no child should ever have to and is adjusting to his new life with amazing courage.

I am intrigued in watching how our love grows for each other each and every day.  It's beautiful, and I am so thankful for this chapter in my life.  I am "mommy."

Saying "cheese" at Sam's Club tonight.


  1. He is certainly a little blessing from God!

  2. He is getting so big. I cannot believe the changes in these children since coming home. It's absolutely miraculous to see! Glad you're doing well...


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