How about a poetry Wednesday?

I'm not sure the spirit in which this poem was written.  It was included in a Bible study I'm doing right now.  It was suggested this would sum up the muttering thoughts of the crowd when Jesus invited the 'worst of sinners,' Zaccheus to dinner.  


I do not hate You, God.
Please understand.
You are O K, A-One,
the Very Best,
second to none I know,
great and beyond
my criticism so
I say Amen
to You and all Your good 
I might be right about
Your indiscretion in
forgiving folks
gladly and shamelessly
upon the least
evidence of regret.
I think
You carry love too far.

Thomas John Carlisle, You! Jonah! copyright 1968

I prefer to read it in light of what I believe.  Shamelessly glad that God takes love too far, that he shows indiscretion in forgiving me.
