silliness is NOT over-rated

I absolutely love being silly with my son.  He is exuberant.  He is bubbly.  He is a "bull in a china shop," yet sensitive too.  But one of the things I love best right now is his love of being silly.

We know where all the tickle spots are and we exploit them regularly.  We play "trains" in his toy room and I make up all kinds of silly stories about the people riding on them, especially when he likes to take the train track apart.  Those people sure can scream as they go careening off the track!  Sometimes I just chase him mercilessly around the house pretending to be some kind of monster who grabs him up and tries to eat his toes.  I'm also pretty sure he thinks it's cool when Mama crashes cars with him too.  I know these things because after every one, I usually get a "'gain!"

Tonight we were in the boat and I decided that since I'm always shushing him, and trying to contain his outdoor voice, I would instigate it instead.  For about 2 minutes we drove fast around the lake, and Mama and Tate stared right into each other's faces and screamed as loud as possible.  It was stinking hilarious.  Low cost entertainment at it's best.  Don't ask me what the inhabitants of the lake homes around us were thinking 'cuz I just don't really care.  I was having fun, and making memories with my boy.  I looked at him and again can not imagine how God found him in all the kids in all the world for us.  He's perfect.


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