
Adjective: Free of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere.
Adverb: Used to persuade someone of the truth of something: "you'll like it when you get there, honest".
Synonyms: straight - upright - sincere - fair - straightforward

There is so much value in being honest.  Why do we humans find this so difficult? I am so paralyzed at times to tell the truth about myself that's it's shameful.

I know, I know, we all deal with self-esteem issues of one kind or another, we worry about the reaction we will get from others.  We put a smile on our face and pretend everything is all right because that's easier than being vulnerable.  I can understand this with strangers or mere acquaintances, but WHY do we do it with friendships? It's something I've been working on for quite some time.

How many times have you said this, "I appreciate your honesty..."?  It's true, we seem to LOVE it when others are honest with us about how they are feeling, what they are expecting, why they are motivated to do things, etc.  Yet when the tables turn we decide that others don't really want the same from us, right?

I think they really do.

Honesty develops deep friendships, kindred spirits, strong character.  Those are great things.

I believe that God designed us to be this way more naturally than we allow it, and it takes greater effort to be fake.  I'm exhausted after hiding myself behind a facade. Aren't you?

Don't get me wrong there are definitely times and places for the "truth in love" moments that our friendships need from time to time.  There are things we don't always need to share because we're making ourselves feel better, and hurting someone else to the core by saying it.  That's not what I'm talking about in this post.  I'm talking about letting people "in."  Not just in the door, but all the way in, having them sit down in a chair and share life with you, kind of "in."

We need it.

It brings true freedom.  Freedom to be exactly who God made you to be, freedom to love others with abandon, and freedom to find help when you need it the most.

It also brings true joy.  Nothing puts a smile in my heart more quickly than when I can be comforted or bring comfort to someone who is hurting.  Getting things off your chest bring a joy so sweet it's almost tangible.

There's no new information here, it's stuff you've all heard before, I just felt burdened to share it.  It's a dream of mine to overcome some hurdles in life like this one.  I'm on a journey of healing and it's been a long walk.  How about you?

I'm trying to persuade you of the truth of something..."you'll like it when you get there, honest."


  1. You're a beauty Ang. Love this journey and think its TOTALLY worth it!!


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