realignment of priorities

It was time. I had no other option but to realign my spiritual growth priorities. Ever have that happen? A day when you see the evidence of what gobbles up your time? Well for me it was about two weeks ago. I felt it deeply, in my gut. I knew that my thoughts and actions were a direct result of a deficiency in my life. I spent far too much time on social media (from which I am now fasting), watching television, and...well... pretty much anything BUT God or reading His Word. It showed.

I asked a trusted friend, (a little bit older than I) when things switched for her. Previously, she had shared with me that there was rarely a day that she could let go by without being in the Word. When did she feel the desire to be with God rise above her earthly desires? This is what I wanted to know. She wasn't sure, she just knew that she couldn't start her day any other way. I want that. I realize that I am not a morning person, so it's likely that my day won't start this way, but my day could certainly end this way a lot more than it does currently.

So I decided to write a letter in my journal. A letter to God. To confess and ask for Him to increase my desire for Him above all things. I do believe He will do it. I know it will take obedience from me. It's going to be a very good journey.

I've started reading Francis Chan's Forgotten God: The Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit. It's a doozy. I've already been convicted more than once, and my eyes are opening to a new way of thinking about the Spirit.

Want to hear one of THE coolest things I read? The Spirit living in us has His own mind, and prays for us when we can't or DON'T pray for ourselves. (Romans 8:27). I've heard this before, but when I read that Scripture a lightbulb seemed to burst on in my brain. This notion is EXTREMELY comforting. In my mind it almost felt like an unbelievably generous fail safe if you will, that God has given to us. It revealed again to me just how very good He is. There is no adjective really that does this gift justice. We can take confidence in the fact that God's Spirit knows our heart and the will of God, and he is ALWAYS interceding on our behalf. This is big. Really big. When I say "fail safe" I mean that even when I pray for ridiculous things, or selfish things, or can't even figure out what to say, the Spirit is helping me out. He is speaking to the Father FOR me. Amazing.

So I'll leave you with that. Stew in it until you get all pruney. The Spirit of God who moved upon the waters of the deep in the creation of this world is available to you. Jesus told us He would send a Counselor and He did. He even said this Counselor is better for his followers to have than even having Him! (John 16:7) This is good news friends, see why I want more of this?

Genesis 1:1-4


  1. Thats awesome, Ang! You're doing GREAT :)

  2. Beautiful, Angie. Thanks for sharing this part of yourself. I love journaling/reading the Word at night and I AM a morning person. Fortunately, God is available ALL the time!! Love ya! Karin


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