a little recap

Hey friends.  It's been a long while since I've written a blog.  Busy? Yes. Uninspired? A little.  But I'm feeling the itch tonight, so here I am. Maybe I'll start with some recap of the past several weeks.

On April 6, our little man turned 3. Lots of fun was had at his birthday party...we had stickers, bubbles, glow sticks, cookie cups with ice-cream and M&Ms, homemade mac-n-cheese and it was precious.  I hope it was all a little boy could ask for, because his Mommy and Daddy sure enjoyed the time.  I'm starting to learn first hand that time really does fly and I'm making every effort to be present and enjoy each day for the gifts and challenges it offers. They certainly offer both. This little ball of "threeness" is a complete handful. "Busy boy with a strong will" does not fully encapsulate all he is. I try and sift everything I discover about his personality through the eyes of God, adoption gurus, and the heart of a mother who desperately loves him. The temptation to over-analyze and worry is very strong, but I must say God has given me a spirit of peace in times when I've most needed it with the ability to accept all that he is, and my role in his life. I posted this on facebook and I truly believe it, "Motherhood is the hardest thing I've ever loved."

In early May we attended Summit9 (click on the link for some sweet photos) of the Christian Alliance for Orphans.  We learned a lot. I was completely overwhelmed anew with the need, the response the Church should be having to it, and utterly blessed by what is going on in the orphan care community. If you ever wonder if the Church is doing anything in this area, I've got 16 pages of ministry bios to prove it. I know it's just a scratch in the surface of the problem, but it's a really deep scratch. I'm excited to be part of the growing movement and challenged to keep it's integrity and mission pure over the long haul. I'm encouraged and motivated by the hope "the Bride of Christ" is striving to provide after too much time with our proverbial head buried in the sand. God is merciful to give us more time on earth to do His will.

Dan and I left Tate with Grandma and Aunt Rhonda in Michigan and continued on to Nashville to enjoy the time together and to experience the conference.

Noteworthy quotes:

"You cannot give what you don't have.  How can you talk of love when you have none? The hunger for love is always stronger then the hunger for bread." - Stephen Ucembe

"A child will seek a parent's face more than any attractive toy, because we are created to connect." - Karyn Purvis

"You can't fix our loss, it will always be with us, although it does not define us." - an adult adoptee

"So many think we are doing a favor for the orphan. We don't realize how much we need the orphan to save us from toxic self absorption." - Dennis Rainey

"Our Father's heart beats as strong for you as it does for the orphan child." - Paula Freeman

Personally I came away with a deeper sense of who I am in Christ, as His beloved, my role in Tate's life, and my calling in orphan care ministry in my local church.  I'd say that's a good take-away.

The week after we traveled back to Michigan to pick Tate up, and continued on to Grand Haven to be with Dan's family.  Dan was honored to be able to attend/lead Grandpa Leverence's Michigan memorial service. (Grandpa unexpectedly left us on January 1 this year, passing in his sleep.) It was a precious time remembering the man he was, and giving Grandma some much needed hugs and affection. Dan was extremely privileged to deliver the message and share in song as a loving grandson. Dan's brother shared a very moving, "Top Ten Things to Remember about Grandpa," that left no dry eyes in the room. A special evening indeed.

a photo of Dan with family at Grandpa's graveside 

Now we are home, back in our routines and enjoying the beginning of the spring/summer temperatures in Minnesota. Only in Minnesota can you have snow on May 3rd, 90 degree heat on May 14, and back to 50 degrees and cold rain on May 21. You can chuckle or cry, and sometimes I do both. The sunny warm days are coming though, and soon you will find us on our boat out in the middle of Forest Lake, loving life and each other as best we can.


  1. Awesome post, through and through. Loved the take-aways from the conference. Can't wait to see you guys this summer!


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