Why don't she write?

I'm chuckling to myself at the moment. The title of this blog is an edited quote from Dances With Wolves. A 1990 Kevin Costner flick set in the pioneer days. There is a scene where a man comes upon a,(cough), shall we say...scalped individual. He says, "I bet he's got some family thinking, why don't he write?" It's meant to add a little comic relief to a sad sight. It became a family joke for us growing up....anytime we came across some road kill or perhaps a Halloween-ish figure, we'd say, "Why don't he write?"

I use it today to ask myself why I haven't blogged for so long? I know the answer. I'm busy. Life as the mother of a 3 year old is just that. Busy. Well, I guess everyone's life has busyness in it. It's one of those plagues that ebbs and flows in every one of us right? Well we've certainly had our share of it as of late. Dan has his full time job at church, his part time job at the University of Northwestern, and well it's been a little nutty. With Awana starting up, women's Bible study starting up, Moms group starting up, small group starting up, and all of our other village127 events it's been the busiest Fall I've had in a long time.

The other answer is, what do I have to write about? Why is what I'm living, doing and being so valid to be shared worldwide? It's probably not. It's just me. I'm no better then anyone else. I don't have to choose to join the throngs of other narcisstic - ish people of the Facebook phenomenon do I? No. I don't. Thus the short hiatus.

I've been trying to come up with some creative way to chronicle how we are doing for the small mass of people that actually read this thing. My decision? Well here it is....an acronym. I know...don't pee your pants in excitement now, ok?

L - Love abounds in our home. Despite the busyness we are listening, sharing, learning, hugging and kissing each other!

E - Everything is messy! I hate walking on crumbs, rice kernels (sensory bin), dust bunnies on the floor but I've been doing it. For days.

V - Victory over tantrums. They have been few and far between in the life of one very sweet little brown boy. Mama is happy.

E - Elaborate stories. My little guy is getting VERY imaginative and loves to pretend. It cracks me up with the things he comes up with. I know every parent is nodding their heads right now with memories of their own.

R - Reading books. Tate has memorized so many of his nightly stories that he can "read" them to us now. I have Dan to thank for this one. He is adamant about Tate "helping" to read his stories at night. It's so fun to hear him fill in the blanks of the missing words. He's learning a ton from it!

E - Energy. We're all lacking it from time to time. We are excited to be taking a family vacation next week. Time for relaxation and togetherness, and NO where we HAVE to be!

N - Naps are becoming a challenge. But I am not ready to give up. No way. After a lecture just now, I have silence from upstairs. I know that he'll need them less and less, but not yet.

C - Children's Ministries is a great place for me to work. I am happily occupied two days a week creating computer presentations, cutting up hearts or triangles for some kind of craft, scheduling volunteers, cleaning up, organizing, re-stocking, emailing, creating class lists in our check-in system, pulling a list of crazy props together, and so on. There's never a dull moment in "Constance Kids."

E - (geesh, there are too many Es in my last name) Eyebrows. I have jungle brows right now, but who has time for a wax?

So there you have it. My life right now - in acronym. It's all I've got. Take it or leave it!

"And whatever you do whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, 
giving thanks to God the Father through Him." Colossians 3:17
