projects - procrastination - panic

I've been working on a project dear to my heart and it's really coming together. I'm not going to be vulnerable just yet, but it's coming. You'll see and hear about it here. No worries.

I'll just say it. It's been a tough few weeks. Many saw it on Facebook but we lost our sweet dog Winston to a freak falling accident in our home. Heart breaking and heart wrenching indeed. Watching the grief of a five year old is none too pleasant either.

This month is always challenging for Mr. T anyway. It's the month he lost everything that was familiar and safe in his life. He was living life in the care center in Ethiopia, and then on one day when he was expecting his oil rub, fanny warming session on the veranda these two white folks walked into his life. I remember how he looked up at us and screamed. That first year was like trying to force a bear cub to cuddle with you instead of it's mama. In fact a friend of mine coined the term, "Don't poke the bear," in reference to not disturbing or transitioning a happy Tate into a new activity. Transition has always been our biggest fight. So all that to say, grief causes a person to cease normal activity and embrace the survival mode. Procrastinate the big stuff, just accomplish the small stuff. Just survive. So we've been doing just that and it's completely ok. We've had moments of peace and moments that have caused us sheer panic. Parenting a rambunctious five year old keeps you on your toes. Always.

We're starting to feel the reprieve however. As Spring awakens a sleepy earth from Winter, so does an internal Spring of the heart. We're right around the corner from Summer.

Summer is when all the fun happens. I love Summer.

As with every equinox and solstice of the earth, so we experience them in our lives. We are never quite sure when each heart season arrives and when, they don't seem to follow any laws. A winter can slow things down in a hurry ANY time of the year. But, like I said, here comes Summer. Amen and Amen.
