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Need a boost?

There's this word in our language. It encompasses a lot. It takes a lot of it to accomplish anything. We don't even take the time to identify where it comes from on most days. It's just usually there when we need it, and the lack of it is keenly felt when it's in short supply.  Confidence. I feel like the thoughts we have about events in our daily life, if not carefully managed, will try to strip us of confidence. It sure doesn't take much to strip me of it. A picture on instagram, a new job, a project that seems too big to tackle, a teenager who talks back, a spouse who finds a fault in you. Things that pile up anxieties that roadblock the confidence needed for good decision making. Normal every day kind of decisions. Have you ever had friends or family see more in you than you can see in yourself? I want to ask, “Why can everyone in the room see more in me than I can see for myself?" Confidence (for me) comes from the sheer stubbornness of remembering who ...

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